That's truly all this app does, but for Nyancat's biggest fans, that's all it needs to do.
Developer Vatsaev Aslan decided the perfect use for the MacBook Pro's Touch Bar would be as a home for internet meme Nyancat, playing its theme song along the way. NyancatĪlright, so this one isn't technically a game, but it's just as much fun. You can get TouchBarPong for free or in the Mac App Store ,where it's updated often, for $1.99. The only downside here is that the Touch Bar feels slow when responding to quick adjustments, so there's a bit of learning curve to get the hang of it. Use the Touch Bar to control the Pong paddle and hit the ball back onto the side of the computer-controlled opponent. This is by far the funnest of the group, and works well enough to play for an extended amount of time. Launch the game, tap on the Touch Bar to start your little dinosaur running, and then keep tapping to make him jump over each approaching cactus. Well, technically that's the game hidden in Google's Chrome browser when you don't have an internet connection, but someone brought it to the MacBook Pro, too.
Imagine a dinosaur running through a desert, jumping over cacti in order to survive - that's TouchBarDino.